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Thursday, December 31, 2015
A Year In Review: Search Engine Land’s Top 10 Columns Of 2015
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How to Increase Your Social Profile Without Paying for Ads by @IAmAaronAgius
You don’t have to pay for ads to boost your social profile, but you will have to work that much harder to attain it. Are you willing to put in the effort?
The post How to Increase Your Social Profile Without Paying for Ads by @IAmAaronAgius appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
3 Super Simple SEO Strategies You Probably Forgot About by @neilpatel
Neil Patel shares three SEO strategies that are so simple, you might be surprised you’ve overlooked them.
The post 3 Super Simple SEO Strategies You Probably Forgot About by @neilpatel appeared first on Search Engine Journal.
Related Questions Grow +500% in 5 Months
Posted by Dr-Pete
Earlier this year, Google rolled out the Related Questions feature (AKA "People Also Ask"). If you haven't seen them yet, related questions appear in an expandable box, mixed in with organic results. Here's an example from a search for "Samsung Galaxy S6":
If you click on any question, it expands into something that looks like a Featured Snippet:
Currently, Related Questions can occur in packs of between 1–4 questions and answers. Here's an example of a box with only one question, on a search for "lederhosen":
Once expanded, a typical answer contains a machine-generated snippet, a link to the source website, and a link to the Google search for the question.
How common are related questions?
We started tracking Related Questions in late July on the MozCast 10K, where they originally appeared on roughly 1.3% of queries. Keep in mind that the MozCast set tends toward commercial queries, and the absolute percentage may not represent the entire web. What's interesting, though, is what happened after that. Here's a graph of Related Questions prevalence since the end of July:
You can clearly see two spikes in the graph — one measured on October 27th, and one on December 1st. As of this writing (December 10th), Related Questions appeared on about 8.1% of the queries we track. In less than 5 months, Related Questions have increased 501%. This is a much faster adoption rate than other Knowledge Graph features.
Where do the answers come from?
When you expand a question, the answer looks a lot like another recent Knowledge Graph addition — Featured Snippets. Digging deeper, though, it appears that the connection is indirect at best. For example, here's an expanded question on a search for "monopoly":
If you click on that search, though, you get a SERP with the following Featured Snippet:
It's interesting to note that both answers come from Investopedia, but Google is taking completely different text from two different URLs on the same site. With Featured Snippets, we know that the answer currently has to come from a site already ranking on page one, but with Related Questions, there's no clear connection to organic results. These answers don't seem tied to their respective SERPs.
Where do the questions come from?
It's clear that both the answers in Related Questions and the snippets in Featured Snippets are machine-generated. Google is expanding the capabilities of the Knowledge Graph by extracting answers directly from the index. What may not be as clear, at first glance, is that machines are also generating the questions themselves. Look at the following example, from a search for "grammar check":
Out of context, the question doesn't even make sense. Expanded, you can see that it relates to a very specific grammar question posted on Quora. While the topic is relevant, no human would attach this question, as worded, to this search. Consider another example, for "cover letter examples":
The first and last question are obviously, to a human, redundant. To a machine, though, they would look unique. To be fair, Google has come a long way in a short time — even a couple of months ago, some of these questions were riddled with grammar and spelling errors. As of this writing, I can't find a single example of either.
Finally, there are the questions that no human would ever ask:
No rational human would ever want to know what kind of meat is in a gyro. It's better that way.
What's coming next?
It's clear that Google is rapidly expanding their capability to generate questions and answers from the index. Both Featured Snippets and Related Questions have evolved considerably since their respective launches, and Google's ability to understand natural language queries and semantic data is growing daily. It may be months before we fully understand if and how these results cannibalize organic clicks, but it seems very clear that Google no longer considers these features to be experimental and will be aggressively pushing forward question-and-answer style SERPs in the near future.
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SearchCap: Local Search, SEO Columns & Engaging SEO Stories
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
How [and Why] to Build a Booming Facebook Group
Posted by ryanwashere
Over the last 2 months, I've driven well over 6,000 organic Facebook visits to my site.
It's not coming from a Facebook Page; it's coming from a Facebook Group.
Several months ago I started my own Group, Digital Marketing Questions — this week we hit 3,000 active, engaged, spam-free members.
In this post, I'm going to retrace my steps and tell you exactly how to build your own Facebook Group.
What are the benefits of building a Facebook Group?
Before I tell you how to build one, I quickly need to talk about why you should build one.
Facebook might not be "cool," but it's crazy effective
All the kids left Facebook years ago for Instagram (now Snapchat) and a number of businesses gave up on Facebook marketing efforts when "organic reach" plummeted.
Despite this, there are still hundreds of millions of users still on Facebook.
In fact, Mark Zuckerberg posted a status a couple of months ago stating that for the first time in the network's history, Facebook had over 1 billion active users in a single day.
Let that marinate for a second.
Facebook is a powerhouse that isn't going anywhere anytime soon — it's time to re-invest back into the network.
Group updates send notifications to members
Facebook pages and personal posts rely completely on the Newsfeed algorithm for organic exposure. Facebook Groups send users a notification whenever someone posts to the Group, thus driving traffic to each post.
On mobile as well:
Facebook gives users the option to silence these notifications. However, if your Group consistently adds value, they won't.
Groups have more organic "reach" than Pages
A while back I ran a test:
- My page had 660 likes; My Group had 660 members
- I took a link from my blog and tagged it with 2 different CIDs in the URL Builder
- I called tagged the first URL as "Group Test" and the second as "Page Test"
- I took both appended URLs and posted "Group Test" to my Group and "Page Test" to my Page at the exact same time
- Results: Group = 122 visits, Page = 8 visits
- That's over 15 times the traffic!
Owning a quality Group is a bargaining chip
Let's piggyback off the previous point for a second.
- When the Group had 660 members, we were driving 122 visits per post = 18% visit rate (CTR)
- A recent post when the Group had 2,700 members drove 600 visits = 22% visit rate (CTR)
With the ability to drive quality traffic with a single post, you've got a powerful value proposition. I do a ton of link outreach for clients — including the Group in my pitch has skyrocketed success rate.
I mean, which outreach email would you respond to?
Outreach email 1:
Hey [Editor's name],
I came across your post [insert URL] and really enjoyed it. I noticed you're linking out to some posts about [insert topic] and wanted to pitch you on my latest guide that fits in perfectly.
If interested, let me know and I can send you the URL to check out for yourself.
Outreach email 2:
Hey [Editor's name],
I came across your post [insert URL] and really enjoyed it. I noticed you're linking out to some posts about [insert topic] and wanted to pitch you on my latest guide that fits in perfectly.
If included, I'd be happy to share it with my active Facebook Group [insert link] that regularly drives over 600 visits every time I post.
Link building (and marketing, really) is about the exchange of value. When you've got a solid value proposition in exchange for the link, your acceptance rate goes through the roof.
Can you say... free content?!
Despite the lack of organic reach, Facebook Pages are still a tremendous marketing resource. However, you need invest time into creating content to be successful. This is a full-time job in itself which requires you (or someone else) to spend time managing it.
When properly managed, Facebook Groups run themselves because the content is crowd sourced from members.
All you need to do is stay active on threads and make sure you're keeping a close eye on spam.
How to build your own active Facebook Group
Hopefully I've convinced you about the benefits of building a quality Group. Now, let's talk about the how...
Step 1 – Create a Group
I'm not going to go into detail on how to create your Group because it's easier than setting up a Facebook Page.
I do want to talk about creating the context of your Group. In other words, what should your Group be about?
Unless you're a brand, don't make it about you.
Shopify has a number of helpful Groups geared towards customer support, marketing, general tips, etc. They're able to build communities based on their brand.
For those of us who aren't brands, we don't have that luxury.
In the grand scheme of things, I'm a nobody. If I would've made my Group "Ryan Stewart's Digital Mastermind", I wouldn't be writing this article right now because nobody would've joined.
Focus the context of your Group on the value it provides to members. I like to approach it like I would content strategy:
- If you own a coupon website, create a Group focused on exchanging couponing tips
- If you own a local bakery, create a Group about recipes, holiday treats, etc.
- If you own an oil-changing business, create a Group for motorheads
Facebook Groups shouldn't be approached with a conversion or direct marketing mindset. They work best when approached as a branding tool.
If you can create a valuable resource, your brand will grow with the Group by association.
Step 2 – Keep your Group active
Remember, Groups are communities—they need to be focused on what engages members. That means hold off on promoting yourself, your business, and links until you've earned the Group's trust.
How do you build trust? By delivering value.
Create native content for the Group
Some Facebook groups are just a feed of links to the admin's blog articles.
Don't do that.
Instead, create native content specifically for the group. Keep ALL the content and engagement within the Group, instead of trying to drive them to your latest post.
In fact, I went a full month without posting a link directly to my site.
Things to try:
- Polls
- Images
- Native video uploads
Make it obvious you're there to help them.
Do this well and when you do post a link to blog/promotion, people will trust you enough to click it.
Step 3 – Promote your Group
A Facebook Group can grow much faster than a Facebook Page (my Group grows 20x times faster than my Page). However, they don't grow on autopilot. They need a significant investment of time, energy, and resources to drive members.
The key to growing a Group (or anything, really) is making it a priority. If you foresee value in owning a Group, take it seriously by investing the necessary resources into growth.
Get influential people to join
First, let me say this...
DO NOT add people to the Group without their permission.
2 reasons:
- It's annoying.
- Facebook's algorithm is heavily based on engagement. If you add people who don't want to be there, they won't participate. If they don't participate, your Group's content will get poor engagement, i.e. poor visibility.
Instead, target influencers in their space and share their content.
Tag them in the post so they know you shared it.
They'll most likely join the Group on their own. This is a huge bonus for Group members and incentive for more to join.
Promote the Group on your site
You've got your Facebook Page on your website, right? Why not add (or replace) this with a link to your Facebook Group?
If your website does significant traffic, this is a great way to grow your Group.
Data shows the standard logos in the header attract little to no attention. Instead, I added a link to my Group in the bottom right-hand corner of my footer and tagged the link with a tracking CID.
Over 3 months, it drove 346 clicks. Not a massive amount, but every little bit helps.
Create "gated content" to entice people to join
It's not uncommon to create a great piece of content to entice email opt ins (aka "gated content"). Instead of asking for emails, you can drive people to your Facebook group.
For example, I wrote a post about how to create an SEO proposal. I also took the time to create a free proposal template for visitors to download for their own use.
I hosted the proposal template within the "Files" section of the Group.
To download it, they had to join the Group. Of course, just creating content isn't enough, we've got to promote it as well.
I chose to use organic channels like, GrowthHackers, Warrior Forum, and a few others.
This was by far the most effective method I used, not only to gain members, but quality ones as well. Try and focus your promotion efforts in places where your target users are spending their time.
We want to focus more on building a quality, engaged member base as opposed to a massive, inactive one.
Facebook Ads are extremely effective
It took me some tinkering to figure out how to promote the Group with Facebook Ads.
You can't promote a Facebook Group the way you can with a Page.
Here's how to get around it:
- Write a post on your Facebook Page and drop a link to the Group
- Create a new Ad, select "Boost your posts"
- Select the post with a link to your Facebook Group
I started by targeting by remarketing list and then expanding to lookalike audiences after that was exhausted.
In honor of full transparency, exact results from the ads are difficult to track.
"Results" are calculated by post engagements, i.e. Page likes, comments, shares, etc. Not included in "results" are people who clicked through and joined the Group.
From my own calculations, the Group grew 300 members during the 1 week we were boosting the post — that's three times the organic growth rate.
Even though you can't directly track new members with analytics, Facebook ads are no doubt a valuable promotion tool.
Drive [indirect] traffic to it
I write a lot of guest posts. Within my posts I often link to my personal website.
That site has a big ol' call to action to join the Facebook Group:
This helps to strategically reach new audiences without directly promoting the group within the post.
You can also use guest posts to drive traffic to your post with "gated" content. Both tactics work well, but this one is slightly more direct.
Cross-promote with other Groups
If you're consistently adding new members, you can pitch other Group admins to exchange cross promotion posts. I've had good success using Facebook's internal search to find similar groups.
It takes a while to find spam-free Groups, but once you do it's just a matter of tracking down admins, adding them as friends, and sending them a quick pitch.
If you've got a different audience base, you can add tremendous value to each other by exposing your Groups to new audiences.
Step 4 – Keep your Group spam-free
The biggest knock against Facebook Groups is spam. A Group can turn into a discount Ray Ban marketplace overnight if not carefully watched by the admins.
It's your job to set and enforce the rules.
It starts with a strong Group description
Leave no room for guessing. If someone joins the Group and immediately promotes a link, they're banned, no questions asked. It's entirely too much work to give individual warnings to people.
Encourage Group members to flag spam if they see it — stand firm on your no spam rule.
Remind members of the rules from time to time
Some people are in a lot of Facebook groups. They don't always remember what they can or can't do in each group.
If you get an uptick in spam in your group, post a reminder about the rules. This has the added benefit of pulling the group together, since the members genuinely want a spam-free place for questions and discussion.
I got tired of repeatedly posted warnings so I created a video and pinned it to the top of the Group. Since doing that, we've seen a significant drop in spam posts.
Handle rules infractions via PM
Even established members of the group will occasionally break the rules. Usually it's because they forgot or weren't sure if something was okay to promote.
In those cases, delete the post, but also PM the offending member and let them know what happened.
Often the person will apologize and that's all you'll need to do. If they argue with you, just remember it's your group, not theirs. You get to decide who stays and who goes.
Occasionally let people know when you ban someone
When you ban someone from the Group, it's an opportunity to reinforce the pride people feel at being part of the "inner circle."
They get to stay, because they followed the rules. The other people broke the rules, so they got banned.
This also reminds people to report spam or rules infractions when they see them.
Moderate disputes by PM
Sometimes a passionate discussion devolves into an ugly argument. When that happens, PM to the parties involved and let them know it's not okay to have a big public fight in the Group.
Usually that will calm things down. If things got really nasty, you also have the option to just delete the entire thread.
Consider getting a full-time moderator
Finally, when your group gets big and active, you might not have time to properly moderate it.
That's the time to hire a moderator. Often you can find someone who's already active in the group, knows the rules and is willing to do it for free.
Bottom line — a Facebook Group can turn to spam quickly. Make sure you're prepared to invest some resources to make sure it stays clean over time.
The numbers don't lie — my Facebook Group is the strongest brand asset I have.
If you're looking to build an active, engaged community around the problems your business solves, I strongly suggest you look into creating one of your own.
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